Friday, July 4, 2008

A Writer's Amazing Resource to Make Money Online

After my last blog post ages ago Niche Make Money Ways, I'm back with some great info on how to make money writing.

Writing articles for your own blogs is a necessary step for developing a readable SEO friendly place where visitors can be certain of a good read.

But it doesn't end there. I’d like to highlight the virtues of a really fantastic additional source of income for anyone who is interested in making money from writing. It’s a place called Constant Content.

Constant Content are an article/content brokerage website not unlike Associated Content (AC). The difference between the two is that Constant Content takes written work from writers situated worldwide, whereas AC accepts only writers that live in the USA.

The potential amount of income that can be earned from Constant Content are far higher than you would expect to earn from AC. This is chiefly due to the fact that the way of selling your articles is rather different for each company.

AC will accept your article and pay you straight away for it. The amount is normally around $5-$7 per 500 word article, although that figure may grow the longer you are a member and the greater the number of articles you submit (which are accepted) to approximately $10 per article. The articles you submit then become the property of AC, which they can then offer for sale to website owners as “usage” rights. This means they are able to resell each of your articles over and over meaning they are not unique.

Constant Content, alternatively are rather different. When you submit your article to Constant Content, you set down the way you require it to be sold. It can be from a choice of either "usage" (the cheapest), "unique" or "full rights" (the most expensive).

This is so good to know. The majority of content buyers make use of Constant Content looking to obtain "full rights" articles. This means they become the sole owners of that article and can put their name to it as their own composition, which is the main reason why it's the most popular. It is also guaranteed as original and unique content, which further adds to its appeal.

As to earning money, for a 500 word, "full rights" article, the usual fee is around $40. Of this, the author is paid 65% ($26), while the remainder is taken as commission and expenses by Constant Content.

Another difference to be considered is that Constant Content do not pay you, the author for your article right away as does Associated Content. What occurs is that your article remains in your own portfolio on the site and waits for a content buyer to select it. That’s the main downside and one reason why so many potentially accomplished authors drop out. People are often impatient and don't want to be made to hang around for their article to be sold.

However, for those writers that are prepared to wait, once an article is sold, you get paid by Constant Content at the start of each month. Logic dictates that the more articles you have in your portfolio, then the more articles you will sell. Over time, your portfolio will build up and provide you with a steady flow of money as long as you continue to keep submitting more articles in order to keep it expanding. As an author, you will begin to get known by a lot of the frequent content buyers and if they like what you're writing in your portfolio, you may very well be requested to do private work for them, which a lot of the regular authors there do. This can actually turn out to be quite lucrative.

Wouldn't you prefer to earn $26 for a 500 word article and maybe wait a while for it, than get a cheap $5-7 straight away.

I recommend Constant Content if you would like to make a higher income from your writing work and are fine with being patient.

Here are some tips to getting the best out of CC. Always continue submitting good quality articles. While you might not sell any right away, don't be impatient but submit more articles and soon, your first article will sell. Its a great feeling and will spur you on to submit even more. By submitting your articles regularly and often, other sales will quickly follow.

To help you decide what topics to write about, Constant Content publish a list of content requested by buyers both on the site and via email to each author. Even if they don’t buy yours, it increases your chances of selling your artucles to someone else. Its also a handy gauge as what subjects are hot amongst buyers.

Want to sign up? There is a link in my sidebar!

Chelsea Black
Make Money with Chelsea

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