Sunday, March 23, 2008

Niche Make Money Ways

After my last post, Fast Make Money?, things have taken a turn at my workplace so I can't post as much as I want in here and my other blogs.

But just to keep things ticking along, here is a short post about why Blogger Blogs are so cool!

I know lots of experts in this field tell you to get your own hosting and buy your own domains, which is quite sensible really if you need to have that control over your cyber real estate and if maybe you intend to build up some websites and sell them on for a profit later.

But if you can't be bothered with all that hassle, but still want to make money online, then Blogger blogs are an excellent way of doing it without any monetary outlay. So if you screw up, it doesn't cost you anything!

I also know that having blogs in the make money section of the world is not the place to actually make money. That's because there is too much competition from other eager Internet marketers who not only know more than me about SEO and hogging the top pages in the search engines, but if you can get them to even visit your blog, they won't click on your ads.

But having blogger blogs doesn't limit you to the make money sector.

I have some blogs in other sectors (the Americans like to call them Niches, except they can't pronounce the word right and call it "nitch" instead of the proper French word pronounced "neesh"). But that's no big deal, we all pronounce words differently - try understanding a Geordie if you're not from around there and you'll know what I mean!

Anyway, that's got nothing to do with how to make money! These niches are as numerous as hairs on your head (well, not my dad's head - he's nearly bald!) and some are more or less competitive than others. So you just need to find the right one that is searched on enough with a low number of competing pages and a product that people will want to actually buy and you can use keywords and back links to get your free blog up there in the search engines top pages.

That way you'll attract targeted organic traffic that are looking to buy the very thing you have for sale on your blog - in the form of affiliate products or PPC ads. Bingo!

That's the end of my sermon for today. Catch you later!

Make Money with Chelsea

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