Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Make Money Online by Linking Intelligently

Ok, I know, I've been away far too long, but other things are happening in my life that mean I don't get to come back here and write in this blog very often. My last post A Writer's Amazing Resource to Make Money Online, was months ago and I can't believe so much time has passed, so I must apologise to everyone who's popped their head around the door and found nothing new to read!

So where do I go from here? I've been reading a few blogs of other people to see whats been going on lately with regards to the online world of how to make money. There are some pretty good ones around that teach you how to make money online for beginners if you know where to look. Anyway, it seems Google have been busy in my absence and upsetting a lot of people by changing the way they treat links.

Well, I can't say I'm all that surprised, as they have to make sure their index is as relevant as possible. With a load of savvy marketers getting all kinds of links from everywhere, they had to do something or the index would once again be full of irrelevant, MFA type sites and that can't be good for them or the people that use their search tool.

This has meant that the recent surge in web 2.0 and the associated social links that could be obtained so easily (especially with certain software packages) is now not so useful to people trying to link their way to the top of the SERPs. Social links are not given much weight nowadays, so unless you have the means to obtain many thousands of them, they won't do you all that much good.

As always, obtaining the best quality links, which are the hardest to get, is still the way to rank the best. They are the highly coveted one-way back links given to you from owners of high ranking, authority sites in a given niche. If you get one of these links, that tells Google that your site has great relevancy to have warranted the giving of the link from the authority site in you're niche. Which will catapult you over the sites with less powerful links in the SERPs.

That's the way it really should be for the index to remain relevant for searchers. Of course, by building your own authority site in a niche, you can give links to some of your newer sites and get them to rank well also.

Which is a good way to dominate a niche and this is one of the ways that you learn how to make money online!

That's it for today. I'll try to get back here again soon, but I'm not making any promises!

Chelsea Black
Make Money with Chelsea

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