Friday, November 16, 2007

Make Money with CPC

Make Money with CPC is a well worn road but it still has its merits as long as you are clever in the way that you do it.

As I've found in my travels, it actually doesn't pay to have a really great blog that is really well written or full of reader-friendly information. These things will earn you plenty of loyal readers, which as a blogger you should strive for, but they won't earn you clicks on your adsense or whatever CPC ads you choose to display.

It seems the way to do that is to actually provide a boring, simple blog with some relevant content surrounded by plenty of ads that are easy to reach with the mouse!

Now what would someone like me, who is pretty new to all of this, make of that?

Well, it makes perfect sense now that I've thought about it. But what about aspiring to be the next great blogger?

I suppose it's a toss up between wanting to be popular or rich, because, it appears you can't have both! Well, you can, but you have to achieve the former before you can rake in the latter!

Which way am I going to go with this?

I'm not telling!

Make Money with Chelsea


Brad said...

Chelsea, I like your personal approach to the blog. I'm hooked and curious as to your adventures. I'll be sure to follow along.


Chelsea said...

Thanks Brad, I hope to build a good reader base here, so I'll post as often as I can.
