Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Make Money by Popularity

To make money online with a blog, you need traffic. My last post Make Money with CPC, looked at making money online with CPC, so now I'll look at the popularity side of making money online.

To attract traffic, you need to work on your popularity. Well, there's plenty of ways to do that to make money online these days, but do you have to be an Internet junkie to build up your popularity?

Not necessarily. It helps to get your blog known about, so one of the ways I launched my blog was to create a profile at MyBlogLog and publish it there. Already I've seen visitors come along to see what my blog is all about and it's still quite a new thing. It hasn't even been indexed by Google yet, but I'm working on that.

At the moment the only thing I've got on board to make money are some clickable ads from Bidvertiser. It was simple enough to register with them and I've heard they are reasonably good as a passive way to make money. Of course Adsense is the number one way to make money with pay per click, but they don't accept everyone into the program who applies. I'll say no more on that!

I'm also looking at affiliate marketing as another passive way to make money, although I've read a lot of bloggers who say they struggle to make money from it - mainly down to lack of numbers passing through their pages.

I'm dead against MLM as a "how to make money online" method as I can see it only makes the people at the top of the pyramid rich while all the slaves at the bottom get to work their behinds off for little if any reward.

I don't like the idea of working hard to make someone else rich!

Paid surveys look like they can make money, but I think you have to be in the right place in the world. There are a few stragglers here in the UK, but most of the juicy jobs are all in the USA and even then you have to be in the right state or even in the right city or you'll miss out.

Being paid a few cents to spend all day reading advertising emails is not the way to make money and definitely my idea of slave labour! Anyone who does that must be either extremely hard up and have no life away from their computer, or they have been sucked into something they can't break out of, because I can't imagine anyone who can think for themselves wanting to work for a few cents an hour.

Sorry if that sounded a bit harsh, but I'm very much a believer in being paid what you're worth - and I'm worth an awful lot more than these rip off merchants are paying!

No, to make money I'll stick to writing content for my blogs, building my popularity naturally (not paying for it with expensive ad campaigns) and getting placed in Google's index by using my own knowledge of SEO the way they say it should be done. After all, if you follow their rules and promote your blog the way they like you to, then you should be rewarded accordingly, climb the SERPs and make money from your increased popularity.

Like everything in life.

So anyone else out there who is just starting out and wants to make money from a blog or website or whatever else you want to do online to make money, you won't make anything unless you can attract visitors to your site. So start attracting!

Make Money with Chelsea


Ca$h said...

Well said. Yes, if your focus is content and your readers, then you will make the money on the way anyway. No contents = NO readers = no traffic = no money

Good luck.

Chelsea said...

Quite right ca$h. Thanks for commenting!


The Brennan Blog said...

To help get popularity is to exchange links. I'll add you to my blogroll if you do the same for me.

Chelsea said...

Hi Brennan,

I'd be happy to exchange links - just let me know the url and the anchor text of the blog you want me to add.
