Monday, November 12, 2007

Make Money Copying The Moneymakers!

Lots of people are trying to make money copying the moneymakers online. This is a follow on to my introductory post Make Money with Chelsea. I've noticed it being done all over the place in lots of other blogs that are all about how to make money. That is they all take a few basic techniques and write about them like they invented them.

How many times can you write about how you should do this or do that and you'll make money?

I've seen so many different versions of the same thing it's confusing as to what is real and what is imaginary. The obvious ones stand out like sore thumbs, like "make money online with CPC ads" or "make money online with advertising" or "make money online selling affiliate products" or "make money online selling your own products" or "make money online building a downline" or "make money online being paid to write".

Well that's the six core ways to make money. If I missed any, well they'll probebly fall into one of those categories in some way.

The rest are all clones of a similar theme. There are literally thousands of products out there that all tell you how to do one or more of those core methods. All those people are making money, or so they say, by telling other people how to make money with the exact same core methods.

Anything else is not really a business but a job. Even writing can be considered as a job, because you're at the mercy of the people who want the content and they tell you how much they'll pay you and what you have to write about.

So what all this make money online stuff is about is taking what the few top marketers are doing and cloning it to make money yourself. Except you're never going to make as much as the top people, because they've got the high end of the market well and truly sewn up. If you want to make money online the honest way, it looks like there's hard work ahead of you and also a lot of time and patience are needed.

So that means that of all the make money products out there, most of them are a wast of time and money. Because only a few of them are worth the money and tell you what you really need to know.


The trick is finding the right ones - or better still don't even bother buying anything until you've done a lot of research. That seems to be what the common sense blogs out there are telling me. And that does make the best sense of all.

So it's a case of finding some good blogs that will give that information away for free and then using it to make some money for yourself. There are a lot of blogs to sift through, but now that I've joined the MyBlogLog community, it seems a lot easier to find the right blogs that just floundering away in a sea of uncertainty.


I think I'm going to enjoy this make money online journey that I've embarked upon. It'll be really interesting to see where it takes me!

Chelsea Black

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