Thursday, November 29, 2007

Make Money Attracting Advertisers

My last post Make Money by Popularity, looked at some of the ways to get traffic to your blog. Well, since then, I've been looking around a lot of blogs that tell you how to make money online just lately and one thing seems to stand out more than anything else - the variety and sheer number of advertising banners.

I'm a little skeptical about all this as while it all appears to give the promise to make money in direct proportion to the number of banners, I have a sneaky feeling that all is not as it seems.

Could this be a case of "all that glitters is not gold?"

In fact after reading some very hard hitting blog posts on this very subject (I'm not naming names) while most bloggers would have you believe they are doing very nicely from their advertising, the reality is that most of them are scraping by or even earning absolutely nothing from all that hard work.

Ok, maybe it's not that hard to throw up some banner code, but still it must be disheartening to anyone new to this business (like me for example) to at first see the promise of making fortunes online dwindle down to a more realistic making of pennies instead.

So back to the topic of this post - attracting advertisers to make money. How does a new and unranked blog go about attracting advertisers?

Well, after you've finished laughing your heads off, the simple answer is "forget it!" No one wants to spend money to display an ad somewhere that gets very little traffic and has no search engine rank or blog age antiquity for credibility.

So what if I were to put up a load of affiliate banners flashing away in my sidebar? Would that make money?

Again, probably not until I can attract some decent traffic to this blog and that won't happen until I've written plenty of content, accrued some age, back links, popularity... and that's probably about it! In fact it all boils down to one word at the end of the day...


If you go to John Chow's site, there you'll see popularity in waves! He's been around a long time, his name is well known and his site is a magnet for bloggers who want to make money. In a word, he's very popular. When it comes down to figuring out how to make money blogging, he's done a pretty good job of it. That of course doesn't mean its going to be easy for anyone else to replicate that. I imagine it would take years to get to the place Chow is now, so for bloggers, there must be a better way to make money online.

On the other hand, if you come to my little blog, what is there to make anyone think it's popular? Nothing!

That's because the hard and painful truth is that it's not popular - yet. Just like millions of other blogs out there, with their authors busily scribbling away day in and day out - no one goes to visit their blogs to read what they're writing.


Because they're not popular. Worse, they either don't know how to start bringing in some readers to make money, or they're just not bothered.

Well some of us won't be putting up with that! This girl in particular wants to make money and has no intention of remaining anonymous with not a soul coming to read her work!

So watch out people... I'm coming to visit your blogs and you better come and visit mine back!

Make Money with Chelsea

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Make Money by Popularity

To make money online with a blog, you need traffic. My last post Make Money with CPC, looked at making money online with CPC, so now I'll look at the popularity side of making money online.

To attract traffic, you need to work on your popularity. Well, there's plenty of ways to do that to make money online these days, but do you have to be an Internet junkie to build up your popularity?

Not necessarily. It helps to get your blog known about, so one of the ways I launched my blog was to create a profile at MyBlogLog and publish it there. Already I've seen visitors come along to see what my blog is all about and it's still quite a new thing. It hasn't even been indexed by Google yet, but I'm working on that.

At the moment the only thing I've got on board to make money are some clickable ads from Bidvertiser. It was simple enough to register with them and I've heard they are reasonably good as a passive way to make money. Of course Adsense is the number one way to make money with pay per click, but they don't accept everyone into the program who applies. I'll say no more on that!

I'm also looking at affiliate marketing as another passive way to make money, although I've read a lot of bloggers who say they struggle to make money from it - mainly down to lack of numbers passing through their pages.

I'm dead against MLM as a "how to make money online" method as I can see it only makes the people at the top of the pyramid rich while all the slaves at the bottom get to work their behinds off for little if any reward.

I don't like the idea of working hard to make someone else rich!

Paid surveys look like they can make money, but I think you have to be in the right place in the world. There are a few stragglers here in the UK, but most of the juicy jobs are all in the USA and even then you have to be in the right state or even in the right city or you'll miss out.

Being paid a few cents to spend all day reading advertising emails is not the way to make money and definitely my idea of slave labour! Anyone who does that must be either extremely hard up and have no life away from their computer, or they have been sucked into something they can't break out of, because I can't imagine anyone who can think for themselves wanting to work for a few cents an hour.

Sorry if that sounded a bit harsh, but I'm very much a believer in being paid what you're worth - and I'm worth an awful lot more than these rip off merchants are paying!

No, to make money I'll stick to writing content for my blogs, building my popularity naturally (not paying for it with expensive ad campaigns) and getting placed in Google's index by using my own knowledge of SEO the way they say it should be done. After all, if you follow their rules and promote your blog the way they like you to, then you should be rewarded accordingly, climb the SERPs and make money from your increased popularity.

Like everything in life.

So anyone else out there who is just starting out and wants to make money from a blog or website or whatever else you want to do online to make money, you won't make anything unless you can attract visitors to your site. So start attracting!

Make Money with Chelsea

Friday, November 16, 2007

Make Money with CPC

Make Money with CPC is a well worn road but it still has its merits as long as you are clever in the way that you do it.

As I've found in my travels, it actually doesn't pay to have a really great blog that is really well written or full of reader-friendly information. These things will earn you plenty of loyal readers, which as a blogger you should strive for, but they won't earn you clicks on your adsense or whatever CPC ads you choose to display.

It seems the way to do that is to actually provide a boring, simple blog with some relevant content surrounded by plenty of ads that are easy to reach with the mouse!

Now what would someone like me, who is pretty new to all of this, make of that?

Well, it makes perfect sense now that I've thought about it. But what about aspiring to be the next great blogger?

I suppose it's a toss up between wanting to be popular or rich, because, it appears you can't have both! Well, you can, but you have to achieve the former before you can rake in the latter!

Which way am I going to go with this?

I'm not telling!

Make Money with Chelsea

Monday, November 12, 2007

Make Money Copying The Moneymakers!

Lots of people are trying to make money copying the moneymakers online. This is a follow on to my introductory post Make Money with Chelsea. I've noticed it being done all over the place in lots of other blogs that are all about how to make money. That is they all take a few basic techniques and write about them like they invented them.

How many times can you write about how you should do this or do that and you'll make money?

I've seen so many different versions of the same thing it's confusing as to what is real and what is imaginary. The obvious ones stand out like sore thumbs, like "make money online with CPC ads" or "make money online with advertising" or "make money online selling affiliate products" or "make money online selling your own products" or "make money online building a downline" or "make money online being paid to write".

Well that's the six core ways to make money. If I missed any, well they'll probebly fall into one of those categories in some way.

The rest are all clones of a similar theme. There are literally thousands of products out there that all tell you how to do one or more of those core methods. All those people are making money, or so they say, by telling other people how to make money with the exact same core methods.

Anything else is not really a business but a job. Even writing can be considered as a job, because you're at the mercy of the people who want the content and they tell you how much they'll pay you and what you have to write about.

So what all this make money online stuff is about is taking what the few top marketers are doing and cloning it to make money yourself. Except you're never going to make as much as the top people, because they've got the high end of the market well and truly sewn up. If you want to make money online the honest way, it looks like there's hard work ahead of you and also a lot of time and patience are needed.

So that means that of all the make money products out there, most of them are a wast of time and money. Because only a few of them are worth the money and tell you what you really need to know.


The trick is finding the right ones - or better still don't even bother buying anything until you've done a lot of research. That seems to be what the common sense blogs out there are telling me. And that does make the best sense of all.

So it's a case of finding some good blogs that will give that information away for free and then using it to make some money for yourself. There are a lot of blogs to sift through, but now that I've joined the MyBlogLog community, it seems a lot easier to find the right blogs that just floundering away in a sea of uncertainty.


I think I'm going to enjoy this make money online journey that I've embarked upon. It'll be really interesting to see where it takes me!

Chelsea Black

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Make Money with Chelsea

Welcome to Make Money with Chelsea!

I like to make money online, so this blog has been set up so that I can share some of my tips and techniques on how I make money online!

Over the next series of posts that I'll make here, I'll be giving out some great hints, tips and tricks on how to make money online and how to use blogs to make money by driving traffic to them through many different avenues.

So don't be a stranger, come along and join me for the ride of a lifetime as I take you throught the narrow lanes and wide superhighways of the intricate business that is internet marketing and the rewards of showing others how to make money online!

Chelsea Black