Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fast Make Money?

Fast Make Money? is the title, but you might be wondering why... Well, as I haven't been in here for a while due to other workloads that I couldn't drag myself away from I though it was about time I wrote something - and it should be to do with fast make money. It may not exactly lead on from the last post Make Money Attracting Advertisers, but they will all be fast make money related so it's ok, I suppose.

So why the strange title and the repeated phrase, fast make money?

Well, I'm doing some keyword accumulating for this blog as it doesn't have much in the way of keyword authority as it stands. That's about to change as I start doing some long needed SEO on this blog. Starting with this post, I'm going to start targeting the fast make money long tail keywords that inhabit the base make money niche.

So this post gets fast make money as you might have already guessed!

Where do I get these long tail keywords from?

Well, I do some keyword research around the make money niche and see what long tails are searched on most that also don't have so much competition at Google. There are a few of these that still get high search numbers over a month but the competition is in hundreds of thousands of pages instead of tens or hundreds of millions.

Ok, that might still sound too much to cope with, but when you really look at the tough competition the keywords "make money" and "make money online" are the toughest two to fight against and there are probably a hundred or so sites (owned by very clued up SEO experts) that you have to go up against. That's too many.

So the long tails that I'll be targeting like fast make money only have maybe twenty or so highly SEO'd sites vying for the top spots, which means there is a chance of getting in on some of that action.

Also it gives me a chance to link out to a friend's sites from this post, as it is now highly how to make money fast oriented, the link juice will be quite useful to him.

So how does this post help you?

Well it shows you first hand how to take a long tail keyword like fast make money, spread it liberally around your post (we're looking for about a 5% keyword density, but its not critical) and then go out and get some inbound links from other sites with that keyword as the anchor text.

Of course, if anyone wants to help me a little and link to me from their sites, I'd be most appreciative.

Oh, one more thing, linking from sites that are not in the same niche is not much use to anyone. It would be no good me linking to a gardening site as the keyword would not carry any authority.

So that's about it for today's long awaited update on how to fast make money with me, Chelsea!

Make Money with Chelsea